Jennie Moonis
Senior Vice President for Development
Jennie provides the leadership, strategy development and coordination of membership activities at BENS. She manages the operation and coordination of the national development staff and seven regional offices, and oversees the recruitment and retention of BENS’ more than 400 nation-wide members. Jennie joined BENS in 1994 as Director of Events, responsible for the planning and execution of national and regional events, conferences and major fundraising dinners. She was subsequently promoted to Deputy Director of Development, and then Director, before taking over as Senior Vice President in 2007. Previously, Jennie served as Director of Special Events and later as Director of Charter Member Services at GOPAC. She also was a consultant with the Capitol Development Group in Washington, D.C. Jennie received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Secondary Education from the College of William and Mary. She and her husband reside in Falls Church, Virginia, with their three children.