How We Work
Together with our government partners, we work to deliver results through varied methods, including round table discussions, red teaming, focused working groups, interviews and research, and regional outreach. Each product will be tailored to meet our government partners needs and timeline. Credit for achievements goes to our government partners. And we aim to be discreet.
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS: A structured discussion between government partners and BENS members with appropriate expertise, focused on clear objectives, generally directed toward producing recommended ways forward.
RED TEAMING: An opportunity for a government partner to engage a specifically designed team of BENS members to assess a given proposal, plan, or set of priorities for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, or otherwise recommend concrete ways forward.
FOCUSED WORKING GROUPS: A government partner seeks to work with a team of BENS members with a particular mix of expertise, over a period of time, on a specific initiative or project, to provide ongoing or periodic guidance, which may be offered in varied forms.
INTERVIEWS / RESEARCH: We work with a government partner to develop a set of questions that can be used to interview BENS members with appropriate expertise, to explore key research areas for the government partner, and report back.
REGIONAL OUTREACH: We work with government partners to make available opportunities to engage with BENS members in California, Boston, New York City, Chicago, the Southeast, and Texas.