Membership payments and other charitable donations are non-refundable. Please see our website for full details about payments here.

BENS is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Our Federal Tax ID number is: 52-1271179. Eligible donations to BENS are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please contact your tax advisor professional for specific questions about the portion of your contribution that may or may not be deductible.

- Diamond Sponsors -
Mary and David Boies
Steve and Kathy Darnell
Mark J. Gerencser
Edwin M. Kania, Jr.
Paul Marcus, Marcus Partners
David C. McDonald
Mark and Sharon Newman
Thomas F. Stephenson
- Platinum Sponsors -
Amazon Web Services
Denis A. Bovin, Palimere Advisors
Samuel A. Cole
Christopher W. Collins
Ezra S. Field
Fiserv, Inc.
G.S. Beckwith Gilbert
Hawkeye 360
Andrew B. Hersh, Governance Risk Global
Ramon P. Marks
Schneider Electric
Roger S. Shedlin
Donald V. Smith
Jim Smith, TheIncLab
- Gold Sponsors -
Advanced Management Strategies Group (AMSG)
Airbus US Space & Defense, Inc.
Lauren Bedula, Beacon Global Strategies LLC
Sam Meek, Sandboxx
Dr. Herbert Rubens
World Kinect
- Silver Sponsors -
- Bronze Sponsors -
Patrice Bonfiglio
Christopher W. Brody
Alan M. Silberstein
- Tribute Committee -
as of September 23, 2024     

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Phone: (202) 296-2125 | Fax: (202) 296-2490 | Email:

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